We are looking for students and volunteers to help with the site organization before and during the day as well as site cleanup when things are over. This may or may not involve parking attendants; directing vendors to their site locations; setting up tents for our registration areas and kids activity spaces; helping kids build small wooden model boats under our craft tent; running our RC boat races throughout the day; helping boat owners launch their own seafleas; and other general assistance. We are also looking for students to assist with photographing the events during the day as well as production assistants for our media team and PA booth.
All volunteers will be required to sign a waiver releasing us from any responsibility while on site. (This is our standard policy for any participant.) It would beneficial for students to have lifeguard certification but not necessary as we already have a number of our staff who are certified as well as medical staff on our team. It would be very beneficial if they knew how to swim if they wanted to assist us on or near the water…but again, we have many positions available where they need not be near the water. And……if they had their pleasure craft operators card that would be awesome too!
Bottom line, this is a family fun filled day! It goes on rain or shine! Please direct all inquiries to fleafest@muskokaseaflea.ca