This is our Ninth  big year and we are proud to present Fleafest 2019 in association with the Kahshe Lake Ratepayers Association.   We are thrilled to bring Fleafest back to our home on Kahshe Lake where Muskoka Seaflea was born.   Kahshe Lake has a long history of seafleas on the water and an even greater history of sanctioned hydroplane racing on Kluey’s  Bay back in the 50’s and 60’s.  Fleafest 2019 will pay homage to these glory days with a variety of events that honor our boating heritage.  Kahshe Lake is the PERFECT Muskoka lake to hold our Fleafest with its calm waters, great shorelines, hidden bays and many islands  to explore…and don’t forget about the rocks!   Augh….please watch out for the rocks and pay attention to our map of the lake posted on this site.   The great thing is that the majority of the rocks have been well marked by the good people at the Kahshe Lake Ratepayers Association with buoys and other markers.  

Andrew Taylor and Roxie  in the “Mini Max ’64” ready to tour the lake.  Rob Renton and Noah Dass with their just launched “Micro Hasty Hydro” on Kahshe Lake