Muskoka Seaflea was established in 2001 by Christopher Taylor, Andrew Taylor and their cousin, Robert Renton (AKA Cousin XL). Our first Fleafest was held in 2011 at Six Mile Lake Provincial Park. Since then, we have been celebrating the home built seaflea by getting together every year and tearing around on the water with like minded “Fleadom-Flea-ers.”
Chris Taylor – Muskoka Seaflea Founder and CEO (Yikes..sounds like he’s REALLY important!)
Andrew Taylor – Muskoka Seaflea Founder and CIO (This guy is almost as important!)
Robert Renton – Muskoka Seaflea Founder and C3PO….This guy is the most important! least that’s what he thinks :)
Ross Jewiss – Muskoka Seaflea Forum Moderator and all around great guy!
and…our official Muskoka Seaflea Canines….
Luna and Dexter…..